98 fb->block32 = block32;
C3D_FrameBuf * C3D_GetFrameBuf(void)
Returns global citro3d framebuffer structure.
void C3D_FrameBufTex(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, C3D_Tex *tex, GPU_TEXFACE face, int level)
Binds a texture to a framebuffer. This texture will be used as the color buffer.
static void C3D_FrameBufColor(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, void *buf, GPU_COLORBUF fmt)
Assigns a color buffer to a framebuffer.
Definition framebuffer.h:107
u32 C3D_CalcColorBufSize(u32 width, u32 height, GPU_COLORBUF fmt)
Calculates the size of a color buffer.
u32 C3D_CalcDepthBufSize(u32 width, u32 height, GPU_DEPTHBUF fmt)
Calculates the size of a depth buffer.
void C3D_SetFrameBuf(C3D_FrameBuf *fb)
Sets global citro3d framebuffer structure.
static void C3D_FrameBufDepth(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, void *buf, GPU_DEPTHBUF fmt)
Assigns a depth buffer to a framebuffer.
Definition framebuffer.h:129
static void C3D_FrameBufAttrib(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, u16 width, u16 height, bool block32)
Sets framebuffer attributes.
Definition framebuffer.h:94
void C3D_FrameBufTransfer(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, gfxScreen_t screen, gfx3dSide_t side, u32 transferFlags)
Transfers a framebuffer to the LCD display.
void C3D_FrameBufClear(C3D_FrameBuf *fb, C3D_ClearBits clearBits, u32 clearColor, u32 clearDepth)
Sets the clear bits and color for a framebuffer.
Flags for C3D_FrameBufClear.
Definition framebuffer.h:23
Clear the color buffer.
Definition framebuffer.h:24
Clear the the depth/stencil buffer.
Definition framebuffer.h:25
Clear both buffers.
Definition framebuffer.h:26
Definition framebuffer.h:9
Texture data.
Definition texture.h:16
Create and manipulate textures.