Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file base.h
3  * @brief Base citro3d functions
4  */
5 #pragma once
6 #include "buffers.h"
7 #include "maths.h"
9 /// Default command buffer size
10 #define C3D_DEFAULT_CMDBUF_SIZE 0x40000
12 /**
13  * @brief Data type of indices for use with \ref C3D_DrawElements().
14  */
15 enum
16 {
17  C3D_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0, ///< Unsigned 8-bit integer
18  C3D_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 1, ///< Unsigned 16-bit integer
19 };
21 /**
22  * @brief Initializes citro3d.
23  * @param[in] cmdBufSize Desired size of GPU command buffer. \ref C3D_DEFAULT_CMDBUF_SIZE should generally be used here.
24  * @note If you have a particularly complex scene you might need to specify a larger \p cmdBufSize.
25  * Conversely, you may want to decrease it if you're particularly concerned about memory consumption.
26  * @return true if library was initialized successfully, false if there was an error.
27  */
28 bool C3D_Init(size_t cmdBufSize);
30 /**
31  * @brief Deinitializes citro3d
32  * @sa C3D_Init()
33  */
34 void C3D_Fini(void);
36 /**
37  * @brief Retrieves the current command buffer usage.
38  * @return Fraction of command buffer used. (0.0f to 1.0f)
39  */
40 float C3D_GetCmdBufUsage(void);
42 /**
43  * @brief Binds a shader program to the current rendering state.
44  * @param[in] program Specifies the pointer to a shader program object whose executables are to be used
45  * as part of the current rendering state.
46  */
49 /**
50  * @brief Sets the viewport for the current framebuffer.
51  * @note This function is called by \ref C3D_FrameDrawOn(). (using values specified by \ref C3D_RenderTargetCreate())
52  * @note When using this with a rendertarget intended for display, keep in mind the orientation of the screens.
53  * @param[in] x X offset from the origin of the viewport in pixels.
54  * @param[in] y Y offset from the origin of the viewport in pixels.
55  * @param[in] w Width of the viewport in pixels.
56  * @param[in] h Height of the viewport in pixels.
57  */
58 void C3D_SetViewport(u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h);
60 /**
61  * @brief Defines the scissor box.
62  * @note When using this with a rendertarget intended for display, keep in mind the orientation of the screens.
63  * @param[in] mode Specifies scissoring mode.
64  * @param[in] left Leftmost boundary in pixels.
65  * @param[in] top Topmost boundary in pixels.
66  * @param[in] right Rightmost boundary in pixels.
67  * @param[in] bottom Bottommost boundary in pixels.
68  */
69 void C3D_SetScissor(GPU_SCISSORMODE mode, u32 left, u32 top, u32 right, u32 bottom);
71 /**
72  * @brief Renders primitives from current vertex array buffer.
73  * @param[in] primitive Specifies what kind of primitives to render.
74  * @param[in] first Specifies the starting index in the current buffers.
75  * @param[in] size Specifies the number of indices to be rendered.
76  */
77 void C3D_DrawArrays(GPU_Primitive_t primitive, int first, int size);
79 /**
80  * @brief Renders primitives from current vertex array buffer in a manually specified order.
81  * @param[in] primitive Specifies what kind of primitives to render.
82  * @param[in] count Specifies the number of indices to be rendered.
83  * @param[in] type Specifies the data type of the indices.
84  * May be \ref C3D_UNSIGNED_BYTE or \ref C3D_UNSIGNED_SHORT.
85  * @param[in] indices Specifies a pointer to where the indices are stored.
86  */
87 void C3D_DrawElements(GPU_Primitive_t primitive, int count, int type, const void* indices);
89 /**
90  * @name Immediate-mode vertex submission
91  * @{
92  */
94 /**
95  * @brief Delimits the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
96  * @param[in] primitive Specifies type of primitive or primitives that will be created
97  * using the vertices specified between \ref C3D_ImmDrawBegin() and \ref C3D_ImmDrawEnd().
98  */
101 /**
102  * @brief Specifies an immediate attribute.
103  * @note Attributes must be specified in the same order they were specified using \ref AttrInfo_AddLoader().
104  * @param[in] x Specifies the X value of the current attribute.
105  * @param[in] y Specifies the Y value of the current attribute.
106  * @param[in] z Specifies the Z value of the current attribute.
107  * @param[in] w Specifies the W value of the current attribute.
108  */
109 void C3D_ImmSendAttrib(float x, float y, float z, float w);
111 /**
112  * @brief Delimits the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
113  * @sa C3D_ImmDrawBegin()
114  */
115 void C3D_ImmDrawEnd(void);
117 /**
118  * @brief Specifies the end of the previous strip/fan and the beginning of a new one.
119  * @sa C3D_ImmDrawBegin()
120  */
121 static inline void C3D_ImmDrawRestartPrim(void)
122 {
124 }
125 /** @} */
127 /**
128  * @name Fixed vertex attributes
129  * @{
130  */
133 /**
134  * @brief Gets the pointer to the fixed attribute vector for the specified attribute index.
135  * @param[in] id Attribute index.
136  * @return Pointer to the fixed attribute vector for the current attribute.
137  * @sa C3D_FixedAttribSet()
138  */
141 /**
142  * @brief Sets fixed attribute vector for the specified attribute index.
143  * @note The attribute index should be the same as returned by \ref AttrInfo_AddFixed().
144  * @param[in] id Attribute index.
145  * @param[in] x Specifies the X value of the attribute.
146  * @param[in] y Specifies the Y value of the attribute.
147  * @param[in] z Specifies the Z value of the attribute.
148  * @param[in] w Specifies the W value of the attribute.
149  */
150 static inline void C3D_FixedAttribSet(int id, float x, float y, float z, float w)
151 {
153  ptr->x = x;
154  ptr->y = y;
155  ptr->z = z;
156  ptr->w = w;
157 }
158 /** @} */
void C3D_ImmDrawEnd(void)
Delimits the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
Unsigned 8-bit integer.
Definition: base.h:17
Unsigned 16-bit integer.
Definition: base.h:18
void C3D_DrawArrays(GPU_Primitive_t primitive, int first, int size)
Renders primitives from current vertex array buffer.
C3D_FVec * C3D_FixedAttribGetWritePtr(int id)
Gets the pointer to the fixed attribute vector for the specified attribute index.
static void C3D_ImmDrawRestartPrim(void)
Specifies the end of the previous strip/fan and the beginning of a new one.
Definition: base.h:121
void C3D_BindProgram(shaderProgram_s *program)
Binds a shader program to the current rendering state.
void C3D_ImmDrawBegin(GPU_Primitive_t primitive)
Delimits the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
void C3D_ImmSendAttrib(float x, float y, float z, float w)
Specifies an immediate attribute.
static void C3D_FixedAttribSet(int id, float x, float y, float z, float w)
Sets fixed attribute vector for the specified attribute index.
Definition: base.h:150
void C3D_DrawElements(GPU_Primitive_t primitive, int count, int type, const void *indices)
Renders primitives from current vertex array buffer in a manually specified order.
void C3D_SetScissor(GPU_SCISSORMODE mode, u32 left, u32 top, u32 right, u32 bottom)
Defines the scissor box.
bool C3D_Init(size_t cmdBufSize)
Initializes citro3d.
float C3D_GetCmdBufUsage(void)
Retrieves the current command buffer usage.
void C3D_Fini(void)
Deinitializes citro3d.
void C3D_SetViewport(u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h)
Sets the viewport for the current framebuffer.
Configure vertex array buffers.
#define GPUCMD_AddWrite(reg, val)
Basic math library for matrix, vector, and quaternion operations.
uint32_t u32
Float vector.
Definition: types.h:52
float x
Definition: types.h:61
float z
Definition: types.h:59
float w
Definition: types.h:58
float y
Definition: types.h:60